The teenage years can be really hard and confusing for some kids because there are so many things that are going on. Not only is the body changing with surges of hormones and emotion, but life is always showing them something new, too. Responsibilities and expectations become a heavier burden with each additional year as teens prepare to leave home to venture into the world alone.
Unfortunately, life is never what you expect, and neither are most people. A lot of parents are warned and teased about what they will go through with teenagers when the time comes. They tell you those teenagers will be rebellion and disrespectful at times, even if they’re normally the best kids. But what if your child is really struggling? From troubles in school to constant defiance toward authority, there are many struggles that teenagers face, but there are always things you can do to help.
Pick Your Battles/Assert Your Authority
Like it or not, you’re going to have a lot of battles with a teenager who is having difficulties. There are usually two reasons that teens will pick a fight with their parents. The first, and most common, is that there is an underlying problem that is festering inside of them. Sometimes they may be feeling neglected and other times it is another problem entirely, like troubles with friends or school. Sometimes it will be worth it – and valuable – to stand your ground. Other times, you just need to let them find their way.
Cultivate a Relationship
Many parents want a good relationship with their teen but just find it is out of reach. Rest assured, it is possible to have one, but you might need to find your own way to get to each other. If your relationship is not what you want it to be, it sometimes feels like there is a brick wall in between the two of you. The best thing to do is to find a loose brick and tear the wall down. It will be slow-going at first, but soon the wall will tumble to the ground.
Go Out In Nature
Give Opportunities
There are several different kinds of opportunities that you can give to your child in order to help them gain a little direction. The first is to work. Hard work is going to give troubled teens something to do other than cause problems. While they might not have the right attitude, hard, physical work also allows them to work out aggression in a productive way.
Another opportunity you might consider is volunteer work. It is always a humbling thing to see people who need help or are less fortunate, which can help a teen look past his or her own problems. Friendships are also forged as people work together for a common cause, too.
Seek Help
The saying “it takes a village to raise a child” also applies to raising teenagers. The truth is, sometimes the wall won’t come down between you and your child in spite of all your best efforts, but it might for someone else. Asking for help does not mean you are weak or a bad parent. The right counselor or support group can completely change your teen’s life.